Mohamed Haji Abukar

Chief executive Officer. (C.E.O)

Mohamed Haji Abukar is the C.E.O. of the team, managing and guiding the vision of the organization.

Abdikahliq Sh Abdiaziz


Abdikhaliq Sh Abdiaziz is the President of the team. He is responsible for setting the team's goals and leading them to success.

Abdikarim Ahmed Siraad

Office manager

Abdikarim Ahmed Siraad is an office manager who oversees the daily operations of the office. He manages workloads and resources.

Gado saamiga shirkadda. imageGado saamiga shirkadda. imageGado saamiga shirkadda. image
  • Beerta Madadaalada Abukar waxeey ganacsatada daneeynaysa ineey gataan saamiyada shirkada la ogaysiinayaa ineey furi doonto fursado aad ku gadan kartaan qayb kamid ah saamiyada shirkada.

  • Hadaba hadii aad daneeyneeyso inaad sami gadato waxaad nalaga soo xiriirtaa cinwaanada hoos ku qoran.

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